Thursday, December 29, 2011

Pray for Christians in North Korea

The following paragraphs were copied from a press release issued by Open Doors, a ministry that works with Christians in the world's most oppressive countries:

On Sunday evening it was announced that Kim Jong-Il, the leader of North Korea, had died. North Korean news agencies reported that Kim Jong-Il had died of fatigue from “overworking to serve the people of North Korea.” Kim Jong-Il was 69 years old.
Because of possible ramifications of his death for North Koreans and the entire world, Open Doors is calling for prayer for the country and the suffering Christians who live there.

“Today marks a significant day in North Korean history,” says Open Doors USA President/CEO Dr. Carl Moeller. “Though this brutal dictator, who was responsible for so many atrocities, has died, the future is still unknown. Some speculate that his son Kim Jong-Un will be just as cruel to all dissenters.  Others suggest that he may be more lenient. We simply do not know the future of North Korea, but God does.”

“This is why it is vital that Christians around the world pray for North Korea during this transitional time. Pray especially for the brave Christians inside North Korea. They are fearful that they might face even more suffering. There are an estimated 50,000 to 70,000 Christians being held in North Korean prison camps where they face even more horrific treatment than other prisoners. People are starving to death. The people of North Korea are living a nightmare that never ends.”

For the past nine years, North Korea has held the No. 1 spot on the Open Doors World Watch List. The list ranks the top 50 countries which are the worst persecutors of Christians. The 2012 World Watch List will be released on Jan. 4 with North Korea expected to retain the top spot.

In North Korea, any form of worship to anyone other than the “Great Leader” (Kim Il-Sung) and the “Supreme Leader” (Kim Jong-Il) is seen as treason. North Korean Christians are often arrested, tortured or even killed for their faith in Jesus Christ.

We invite you to join Christians around the world as we pray for our Korean brothers and sisters in Christ.

To read the entire press release from Open Doors, click here.

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