Thursday, April 17, 2014

The First Beams

This morning (Thursday) Kapp Construction began erecting the steel beams for the Community Center. Be sure to take a peek when you come for services over the next few days.  Please remember, though, that this area is a hard hat zone, so peek through a window or from afar!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Youth Wing Dedication

Wasn't Sunday's dedication of the new Youth Wing wonderful?  We are now looking for any pictures that you might have taken during that event.  Please email them to or bring them to the Grace office on a thumb drive or CD.

Also, as donated items are received for this new space, we will be in need of volunteers to assemble any of those pieces that require it.  If you would be interested in helping out with this project, you are encouraged to make yourself known through the Sign-Up Central or by emailing