Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Concert of Prayer

We would like to encourage you to attend the Concert of Prayer this Sunday evening at 6:00 pm in the Grace sanctuary.

The underlying concept behind this service is that our individual prayers are like a simple melody (picture playing the piano with one finger) but our collective prayers add harmony and instrumentation. The result, then, is that together we become a symphony of prayer.

This service will include times of silent prayer, small group prayer and individual prayers, along with prayers expressed through music.Your own prayers can be as private as you may wish them to be, or you can ask that others pray with you. The pastors will be available to anoint with oil any who may request it.

If you believe in the power of prayer, come. If you know individuals who are carrying deep burdens, invite them to come with you.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Operation Christmas Child

It's beginning to look at lot like Christmas! Not outside perhaps, but soon it will be true in the Grace narthex. The Hope Guild is once again coordinating the "Operation Christmas Child" project, asking you to help share the love and joy of the Christmas season to children in desperate situations through the world.

Please find and fill a shoebox with small toys, stuffed animals, school supplies (not scissors), hygiene items, hard candy, gum and other small gift items. It can be for either a boy or a girl in the age groups of 2-4, 5-9 or 10-14. Do not include toy guns, knives or war-related items, chocolate or perishable items, liquids of any kind, used items or breakables.

After filling the box, please enclose $7 (cash or check) to help defray shipping costs. Checks should be made payable to Samaritan's Purse. Then wrap the box in Christmas paper (wrapping the lid separately), and secure the lid with a large rubber band. Labels indicating whether the box is for a boy or girl can be found at the display in the Grace narthex.  Boxes are due back no later than Sunday, November 13.

Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan's Purse, a Christian ministry led by Franklin Graham.

Learn more about Grace's efforts toward this Christmas project by clicking here.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Hammond Farm Fall Festival

Sunday (October 16) is our annual Fall Festival at the Hammond Farm (2:00 - 5:00 pm). We invite you to join others from the Grace family for an afternoon of hay rides, children's activities,  games, food and fellowship. Please bring a dish to share.

This event is designed for the entire Grace family. We encourage you to bring a guest with you. Grace has many people who have begun attending since last year's festival. This is a great time to get acquainted with one another. Please take the initiative to extend that invitation.

The Hammond farm is located at 405 E Hyde Road, Yellow Springs. Go through Yellow Springs to the flashing light just south of town. Turn right. You will go past E Enon Road, but if you get to W Enon Road you have gone too far.

Do you know what the number 110 means to Grace?  110% is the percentage of room capacity exceeded by 5th and 6th graders over the last two years.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Fifth Quarter

The Grace youth will be hosting a "Fifth Quarter" this Friday night in the Grace fellowship hall. Fifth Quarters are so named because they come after the "fourth quarter" of the high school football game earlier that evening. The event will provide space for area high schoolers to gather with their friends.

Our event will feature the movie "The Incredibles." It is open to all area high school students.

So if you have a family member or friend in that age group who might enjoy coming, be sure to pass the word along.

Do you know the significance of the number "124" to Grace? Groups larger than 124 cannot use our fellowship hall due to space restrictions.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Lay Ministry Sunday

Sunday (October 9) is Lay Ministry Sunday, a day on which we celebrate what God accomplishes through the efforts of His people. Our celebration will include a cake-and-punch reception during the fellowship time (10:15-10:35 am).

At Grace, we encourage each person in our church family to be actively participating in one outward-focused ministry. We believe that is a key component of your discipleship process, and ultimately a reflection of your faith in Christ.

If you would like to know more about how to get involved in one of Grace's 100+ ministries, talk with Tom Brodbeck (our Discipleship Coordinator). You can email him by clicking here.

See you Sunday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Snowhill Family in Need

The Community Connector at Snowhill Elementary School sent us the following:

I spoke with a mother who is in need today. They lost their home, were living in a hotel but can no longer afford it. They are in need of kids clothing due to leaving all winter clothing behind when they had to leave their home. They have a boy who wears a 16 Husky in pants and size large in sweaters sweatshirts, a boy who wears a 6 in jeans and size small in sweaters and sweatshirts and a girl who wears a 14 in jeans or a 3 in junior size jeans and a large in sweater or sweatshirts. All 3 of them need a winter coat. They could use blankets. Are you able to help us with any of these items? They also need personal care items, laundry detergent etc.

If you have items to contribute, please bring them to the church and mark them to the attention of Tom Brodbeck. Thanks!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Thrift Store Needs

Last week we told you about the ongoing need for food at St. John's Food pantry. Today we expand that need list to include the Thrift Store at St. Johns. Especially now with the changing of the seasons, the need for warm clothing, blankets and coats is high. We will be placing a large tub in the fellowship hall next to the grocery cart for all of your clothing items. Thanks for responding to this need too!

Do you know what the number 55 means to Grace? 55 is the number of square feet being used to store Grace items in Pastor DeBord's basement.