Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Ceiling Fan for the Hannah House

The Hannah House, a local Christian non-profit agency that provides housing and support for unwed moms-to-be, has a ceiling fan that isn't working. They originally thought it needed a new motor, but it obviously is not the problem. They have asked if we might have someone with the skill set to fix this. Contact Tom Brodbeck at the Grace office (399-6257) or via email at to volunteer or for more information.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Habitat for Humanity

You are invited to join with other Grace members in a Habitat for Humanity construction project on August 20. We have reserved that entire day, meaning that we will be responsible for supplying two crews. Each crew works a four hour shift (morning or afternoon). See Jack Sommers or Tom Brodbeck for more details.

Crazy Love Sunday School

If you are following along in the "Crazy Love" book, you will want to read chapter four in preparation for the June 26 Sunday School class.

Monday, June 20, 2011

"Shocking" News from the Grace Garden

We don't want you to be "shocked" by the new solar-powered electric fence surrounding part of the Grace Garden. Neighborhood critters have been helping themselves to some of our early vegetables, so the garden team erected the fence to allow the rest of us to enjoy the results of their labor. There are signs posted to remind you. But consider this to be your first warning!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Happy Father's Day!

Interesting, isn't it, that God chose to identify Himself as a "Father." That seems to indicate there is a special role and responsibility for humans who share that title as well. We are grateful for those men in our lives, our community, and especially our church, who have chosen to follow the model of the Heavenly Father as they take on the earthly role. Dad ... we honor you and thank you for living a life of integrity before us.