Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Temporary Wall in the Fellowship Hall

As 2013 draws to a close, construction workers moved into the Grace fellowship hall to begin construction of a temporary wall, located between the two exit doors on the north side of the room.
This wall will allow them to remove the large arched window while still giving us use of the fellowship hall -- at least for the next few weeks.

Weather permitting, concrete work for the Community Center begins in the next few days as well, which means you will very soon begin to see the steel structure start to rise.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Star Shoppe

The Children's Rescue Center, one of the outreach ministries supported by Grace, is looking for a few volunteers to help with its Star Shoppe on Monday (Dec. 16), Tuesday (Dec. 17) and Wednesday (Dec. 18) from 3:00 - 5:30 p.m.

Star Shoppe is a way the children served by the CRC can get Christmas items for their families.  Volunteers assist the children in making appropriate selections.

If you would be interested in serving the Lord through this ministry, you can contact the CRC directly at (937) 324-2529 or send an email to Tom Brodbeck at tom.brodbeck@grace-nalc.org.

The CRC is located at 1035 West High Street, site of the former Holy Trinity Catholic School and St. Marys Catholic Church.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

The Steel Arrives!

The steel for the new Community Center arrived today.  Kapp Construction workers labored in the single digit wind chill to get everything unloaded and stacked in the gravel lot on the east side of the building.

As of this posting, no work has been done inside the fellowship hall. Construction has focused on the interior of the youth wing during these very cold days.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Tours of the New Youth Wing

The Brick and Mortar team will be leading tours of the new youth wing on Sunday (December 8) following each worship service and during fellowship time.  Members of the team will be stationed throughout this new wing to acquaint you with how each space will be used.

As a way of blessing this new ministry space, you will be invited to write a Scripture or prayer on one of the boards.

To take the tour, meet in the narthex just outside the former nursery.  The heat isn't on in this wing yet, so wear your coat!!